Business Setup

Own A UAE Company and Run It From Your Own Country

Chamber of Commerce in Dubai

Dubai is one of the most promising cities for global business which attracts a huge number of MNCs and ventures. Different varieties of companies have set up their multi-million dollar business industry in this flourishing Arab city. Recently, Dubai Investment Development Agency (Dubai FDI) has announced that investors will now be able to do their business in Dubai without being present there. This venture is a joint collaboration with the US-based Alliance Business Centres Network (ABCN).

Dubai is the first city in our planet which enables investors to run their business from remote locations. The Dubai FDI-ABCN partnership will allow investors from around the world to effectively use a brilliant network or 650 business centres which will be spread across more than 85 cities in 45 countries around the globe. This crucial step will allow the process of Business Setup Dubai, even easier for the investors who are coming up in recent years.

The officials at Dubai FDI’s have mentioned that this is the constant efforts of the department to attract more foreign investors to set up their business in Dubai. It has been planned for many years and has been finally implemented now.

The major aim of this initiative is to promote the Emirates as the perfect destination for foreign businesses and startups. CEO of Dubai FDI, Fahad Al Gergawi has mentioned that this will help Dubai’s objectives to make the Dubai Plan 2021 even more successful and bring in a plethora of new companies and investors to the shore of the Arab city.

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The arrival of different companies, startups and business ventures will contribute to the economic development and opportunities in Dubai. Dubai has always supported a free and open economy which has allowed the city to prosper in a very ergonomic manner.

Dubai FDI is very much optimistic about this new venture because they believe with the expansion and reach of ABCN the venture will surely be successful. ABCN or Alliance Business Centres Network is one of the biggest and fastest growing companies that have more than 50,000 clients and has been managing 15 million sq.ft. of offices all over the world. ABCN has also been given the task to maintain a Free Zone Company Formation which will allow the investors to set up their business in Dubai.

Final Words – Dubai and the other cities in UAE are attracting a huge number of global clients from all over the world.

Due to the open market, availability of different business amenities and prime location, Dubai has turned out to be one of the best destinations to start or expand a business in the past few years since the advent of the 21st century. This new venture will surely prove to be the right step in the direction of making the economy even bigger.

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